Salem Rotary Foundation of Salem, Ohio

The Salem Rotary Foundation was founded in 1995 as a tax-exempt organization in Ohio designed to promote and foster the ideals of Rotary International and to provide charitable gifts to those who practice the ideals of on the Rotary 4-Way Test.

The Foundation began with a $20,000 donation from the Rotary Club of Salem, $700 from the original incorporators, and now has assets of over $350,000. To date, more than $100,000 has been provided in grants.

The Bryce W. Kendall Restricted Fund was created in 1996 to honor past president, District Governor, Rotary International Director and Rotary Foundation Trustee, Kendall Society with gifts of $1,000 to the Foundation.

Past Foundation support includes Pay It Forward ($50 to needy at Christmas), Salem Chamber of Commerce, United Way, RYLA students, Salem Community Pantry, Rotaract scholarships, Salem Regional Medical Center, Salem Public Library, Salem Police K-9, Salem City Parks, Salem Senior Prom, Mobile Meals, Salem City Schools, Polio Plus, and other projects.

The Rotary Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships. The test has been translated into more than 100 languages, and Rotarians recite it at club meetings:

Of the things we think, say or do

  • Is it the TRUTH?
  • Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  • Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? 

Would you like to find out more, donate, or request funds?

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Salem Rotary Foundation
P.O. Box 1244
Salem, Ohio 44460



INCORPORATION: January 24, 1995

Original Trustees - Terri L. Fitch, Geoffrey S. Goll, George W.S. Hays, Thomas L. Hinzman, Raymond G. Isabella, Shelby Mingus, and Frank A. Zamarelli Jr.

Successor Trustees - Rev. Robert Lecocq, Rev. James Latham, Jean Holt, Patricia Lalonde, Dr. Peter Apicella, Alma Apicella, Mark Flake, Sara Mastrangelo, and Gina Dermotta.


Gift Certificate to fire victims
Support City Wide 911 Planning
Underprivileged childrens' Christmas party
Rotary Club of Kissimmee, Florida to aid in tornado damages
Fire victims in Salem
Buckeye Council Boy Scouts of America
Salem Grand Parade
Salem Public Library for flood relief
Support Countywide 911
Tobin Center Chaplaincy Ministry
Salem Bi-Centennial Committee
Mike Cross Family
Learning for Life
Concerts in the Park
Lit Kits for Group Study Exchange in Philippines
Rotary Rose Bowl Parade float
Salem Renaissance Project
United Way
DVD/CD playing tablets for Salem Hospital Oncology Dept.
Inflatable Rotary Logo
Salem Rotary Tote Bags
Funds for victims of Nepal Earthquake
American flags for Cranmer Bridge
Project Warm
Salem Parks Dog Park
Hurricane Ida relief Louisiana
Ukraine Refugee Relief
Columbiana County Park District
Bryce Kendall Memorial Relief
Christmas story books
Scholarship to Returning Exchange students
Honduras Relief Project
Refugees leaving Kosovo, Yugoslavia
Scholarship to Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)
Wheelchair Foundation
Polio Plus
Memorial Patriotic Association for firework display
Purchase American flag and stand for Community Center
Purchase clock in memory of long-time Rotarian Frank Huber
Guatemala project
"Report a Pusher" street signs
Lighting for flag flying in Village Green
Japanese Disaster
Shelter Box program
Salem Mobile Meals
Microscopes for Salem City Schools
Pay it Forward Program
Easter Seals
Help Hotline
Crisis Center
Salem Beautification Project
K9 Dog Fund
Interact Club
Senior Prom Project
Golden Apple Program
Salem Food Pantry
Salem Rotary Club Centennial Project
Salem Interact Club for children relief
Relief for Ashville, North Carolina